Make edits in Shopify as easy as possible with Spreadsheets

February 3, 2022

Multi-row deletion

You can now delete multiple rows at the same time. Select one or more rows, right click, and select the Remove Row option

  • If the selected rows are Shopify objects, and you use Remove Row on them then the rows will be deleted from the worksheet, but the objects will remain in Shopify (i.e., they are not deleted from Shopify)

Delete object in Shopify

You can now delete multiple objects in Shopify at the same time. Select one or more rows, right click, and select the Delete object in Shopify menu option

  • You are now shown a dialog to confirm that you want to delete the objects, as this can not be undone
Mixtable is an online spreadsheet, designed from the ground up to bulk edit and analyze Shopify data.

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